Phil Cohen Union Organizer and Author
Internal organizing, membership building, transforming balance of power between employer & union, contract negotiation, leadership development
Investigation & presentation of cases to the NLRB, OSHA and DOL, within grievance procedure & arbitration; expertise in workers comp & FMLA
Communication with workers and public:leaflets, plant visits & union meetings; press releases and interviews
Author of books and articles
1967 – 1973: Left home at age 16: worked a variety of blue collar jobs,
including gypsy cab driver in New York City and cheap hotel
1970 – 1974: Frequent publication in several magazines, including
Metropolitan Review: memoir and articles about life on the
streets of NY
1974 – 1979: NYC taxi driver: signed first union card in 1974
1980 – 1988: City bus driver in Chapel Hill NC
1981 - Elected chief steward of ATU Local 1565 and began receiving ongoing press coverage for efforts to represent the unit, despite state law prohibiting collective bargaining agreements for municipal employees
Built alliances within the Rainbow Coalition and among progressives within local government
Forced the Town of Chapel Hill to the bargaining table; won a succession of issues involving working conditions, health & safety, discipline & discharge
1988: Hired as lead organizer by the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile
Workers Union
Directed internal organizing campaigns within poorly represented, company dominated locals
Received substantial media coverage
1990: Promoted to International Representative
Continued to direct internal organizing campaigns, including filing, investigation & representation of NLRB charges, grievance & arbitration, contract negotiation, strikes, and press coverage
1992 – Broke the power of the Ku Klux Klan within Local 2500; developed leadership to represent without discrimination
1993 – Initiated campaign & Labor Board case against illegal union busting at Highland Yarn; filed OSHA complaint for cotton dust violations
1994 – Directed successful campaign against Grief/Genesco in Allentown, PA, preventing employer’s withdrawal from national clothing contract
1994 – 1997: Manager of Central North Carolina District
Supervised staff, negotiated contracts, and arbitrated cases throughout district
Ran successful NLRB campaigns against illegal union-busting at Brooks Brothers and VF Corporation
1995 – OSHA complaint against Highland Yarn resulted in Willful Citation, highest fine for cotton dust violations in NC history
1996 – Highland Yarn Complaint upheld by NLRB in Washington, setting precedent regarding and “illegal employer assistance in an effort to decertify the union.” Still cited by attorneys today.
1997 – 2011: Special Projects Coordinator
Continued to direct successful NLRB campaigns against illegal union busting and other unfair labor practices
Negotiated contracts, including first contracts
Assigned to service the most challenging locals
Appeared for the union in arbitrations
Internal rebuilds and leadership training at challenged locals
1996 & 1999 – Produced albums for and managed the union’s (apparel workers offering a unique blend of original labor songs and Southern gospel
- Received extensive radio play and media coverage, including Mother Jones, Voice of America, and SingOut
- Performed at numerous venues, including the AFL-CIO national
convention, countless ACTWU (renamed UNITE!) conventions, and on
picket lines
1997 – Directed successful first contract campaign against Serta Mattress licensee, involving significant NLRB complaint and national media coverage
1999 – Directed campaign against Monterrey, Inc. in Janesville, WI, preempting a looming decertification and developing new leadership
2000 – Filed NLRB charges preempting a decertification effort at Serta Mattress and negotiated 2nd contract
2001 – NLRB campaign, defeating illegal decertification at Kmart Distribution Center
2002 - Leveraged better contract terms at Cone Mills during Wilbur Ross takeover through picket line and extensive press coverage
2007 – Restored balance of power at Aramark Laundries via NLRB charges
2008 – Local union president at Kmart DC reinstated through NLRB charges
2008 – 2011 – Negotiated 1st contracts at laundry and food service facilities, trained leadership and subsequently serviced locals
2011: Retired from full time staff with what had been renamed Workers
Continued to present cases in arbitration
2016: Published The Jackson Project: War in the American Workplace
(University of Tennessee Press) resulting in ongoing media interviews
2017- 2020: Called out of retirement by Workers United/SEIU to investigate
and expose an illegal decertification campaign by Mohawk
Industries (Fortune 500) at its Eden, NC carpet factory
Filed NLRB charges, convinced frightened witnesses to give affidavits, met frequently with Board agents, filed briefs & position papers, generated media coverage
2018 – NLRB issues massive complaint against Mohawk.The employer capitulates and the petition is withdrawn.
2018 – 2020 – Forged a productive bargaining relationship with new management.Represented workers in grievance procedure, FMLA & workers comp cases.
2020: Published Fighting Union Busters in a Carolina Carpet Mill (McFarland
& Company) and began a new series of press interviews
Chris Bowman, International Vice President & Director of Southern Regional Joint Board, Workers United/SEIU
Harris Raynor, Assistant Director of Southern Regional Joint Board
Mark Fleischman, Executive Vice President, Workers United/SEIU (retired
Ernest Bennett, International Vice President & National Organizing Director, Workers United/SEIU (retired)